Northern Arc - Investment
Helping investors to better understand credit opportunities for industries and identify lending prospects
Experience Design
2 months
Our customer evaluates their own clientele and companies with substantial data volumes, subsequently sharing findings and documentation through email or Excel spreadsheets that proved hard for both potential investors and the businesses. As the Product Designer for this initiative, my responsibility involved developing an investor-centric dashboard that simplified and integrates key data sets, adhering to optimal UX guidelines that's accessible and aesthetically pleasant.
The customer sought a platform for analysing, handling data, and evaluating the performance of their clients after audits, which could be showcased to potential investors. They also needed a comprehensive dashboard displaying agent effectiveness, PAT margins, and other key performance metrics. This platform will serve as an entry point for potential investors to make informed decisions on whether to finance and support the specified enterprise. This meant I had to learn the terminologies and speak the language of my potential users.
After establishing a robust Information Architecture framework and dashboard layout, I shared my design concepts with the client team to obtain their input. These ideas were then refined into high-fidelity wireframes to convey a clear vision of the dashboard's appearance during the Visual Design phase. Additionally, the dashboard was showcased to potential investors to determine its usability, comprehensibility, and whether key information is quickly discernible.
My main focus was aesthetic sensibility and simplicity. The ability to find the right information at the right time at the right level of detail.
The product has been live since 2020 and has been a critical tool to help investors audit their potential clients. It has been used to audit 5,000+ companies across different parts of the country to determine eligibility for investment.